Hey Friends,
We've been cooking up LOTS of plans the last few months and now we're on the brink of putting these plans into action. We are VERY excited about all we have coming up in the next few months.
First, this month we'll be playing several shows throughout Florida to kick off The Hourglass Tour! The first of which is this Saturday at Bethany Temple Church of God in Tarpon Springs, FL. This is a FREE concert so please come on out and join us for the first show of the tour! And if you live too far away or just can't make it, I have great news. The concert this Saturday night, March 7th, will be broadcast LIVE at http://www.bethanytemple.org/ at 6:30 PM EST!
Second, we are still hard at work on the Hourglass EP and plan to release it digitally in April worldwide! The specific release date is top secret information at the moment - only God knows when it is! As soon as He clues us in on His plans we will definitely let you all know! We would really appreciate your continued prayers for this project. Things are coming along well, but it's going to be tough to get it done in time for the second leg of The Hourglass Tour.
And that brings us to our Third bit of news. We are booking several shows in the early part of May in GA, SC, NC, TN, etc.! In our four years as a band, we have only played in Florida and Georgia, so we are REALLY excited about bringing our music to these other states! We are also talking to several churches as far west as Texas about bringing The Hourglass Tour out there this summer! If you are interested in bringing the tour to your church or venue, send our manager, Mark Boyce, an e-mail at truthbombmanager@yahoo.com. And yes, Mark is our dad!
Also, another way you guys can help us out is to tell your pastor/worship leader/youth pastor, or whoever is in charge of booking bands at your church, about our music and ministry. And if you want to take it a step further, you can then e-mail our manager with the contact info for that person so we can follow up. The biggest obstacle for independent bands is obscurity. If you have told, say, your youth pastor about us and then our manager calls him up, he will now know who Truth Bomb is and that there is at least one fan in his youth group. He'll already have a reason to book us. And of course, telling your friends and family about us is awesome! That's probably one of the biggest ways we gain new fans.
And last but not least, we now have a Facebook fan page, so go become a fan of Truth Bomb! We are also on Vimeo and 12seconds and we will be posting more video updates soon. Thanks so much for reading! Hope to see you soon on The Hourglass Tour!
Blessings to you!
Andrew, Christin and Kaitie